It is possible to work in a much more peaceful and secure way by securing both your workplace and its belongings. The only thing you need to do is to choose the most suitable workplace insurance that will protect your workplace against risk!
What is Workplace Insurance?
A workplace insurance product is a type of insurance that covers your workplace, all movable and immovable goods and property, electronic devices, employees and customers against all risks you may encounter.
Since housing insurance, which covers your workplace against many possible risks, is an optional insurance, there is no penalty for not having it.
However, it is a type of insurance that offers great advantages as it covers the damage that may be caused by many negative situations that may happen to the workplace and covers both the workplace and all kinds of contents in the workplace. For this reason, it is frequently preferred by business / workplace owners.
Workplace insurance coverage may vary according to the company issuing the policy and policy coverage. It is possible to expand the scope of your policy by selecting additional coverage.
Since workplace insurance is a one-year insurance, the policy should be renewed before the policy expires.
What Information and Documents are Required for Workplace Insurance?
The information and documents required when having your workplace policy issued are as follows:
- R. ID number if the insurance is in the name of an individual
- Workplace tax number if the insurance is in the name of a company
- Trade name of the business
- Field of activity of the business
- Value of the building to be insured
- Value of workplace fixtures, machinery and commodities
- Decoration value
- Theft and fire precautions
- Sigorta yapılacak binanın değeri
- İş yeri demirbaşlarının, makine ve emtiaların değeri
- Dekorasyon değeri
- Hırsızlık ve yangın önlemleri

- Make sure you provide the right information about your workplace when taking out your insurance.
- Examine the main and additional coverage offered by the policy to ensure that you get the policy that best meets the shortcomings and needs of your workplace.
- While reviewing the policy offer, do not forget to read the special conditions of the offer.
What are the Situations Excluded from Workplace Insurance?
Risks excluded from workplace insurance are determined according to the general terms and conditions of the insurance. According to these conditions, the situations that are not covered are as follows;
- Radiation-induced damages caused by nuclear leakage
- Damages arising from combustion of the insured goods and products themselves, other than fire
- Losses arising from the disposition of the insured asset by the public authority
- Damages caused by low pressure
- Damage caused by military action
How are Workplace Insurance Prices Determined?
Some factors are taken into consideration when calculating the price of workplace insurance. These factors are the main ones;
- Policy coverage, guarantees included in the policy
- Field of activity of the workplace / business
- Risk analysis of the field of activity
- Location of the workplace
- Geographical location of the workplace/enterprise (whether it is located in a risky location in terms of terrorism etc.)